Pregnancy Discharge Smells Like Ammonia

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Pregnancy can sometimes cause ammonia-smelling urine. It can be hard to tell when symptoms signal a problem and even if you dont have common symptoms like irritation itching or burning you could still have a vaginal or sexually transmitted infection.

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Not sure if it i my urine or my discharge but when i went to go to the washroom i could smell ammonia in my undies not liek i sniffed them but it was a strong ammonia odar.

Pregnancy discharge smells like ammonia. This condition happens when certain bacterial become overgrown in the vagina. During pregnancy the bodys fluid requirements are increased. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is quite dangerous and can lead to various pregnancy complications like preterm delivery of the baby low birth weight issues ectopic pregnancy birth defects etc.

Generally if it smells like ammonia its pee. Is Vaginal Odor Normal During Pregnancy. It can cause your discharge to look watery and gray or white.

Bacterial Vaginosis and a Vagina That Smells Like Ammonia One of the most common reasons for a foul vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis. Many women report noticing an ammonia-like smell early in their pregnancy. Ammonia smell is pee.

Pregnant women have a higher risk than others for UTIs which increases their chances of having ammonia-smelling urine. Leukorrhea is caused by an increase in pregnancy hormones and blood flow to your reproductive organs. If it is not bothering you much you dont have to worry about it.

The smell could be fishy or ammonia-like due to the changes in the urine. Certain foods such as asparagus. In the genital area of a woman good bacteria reside in order to fight against the bad bacteria.

Taking a diet that is rich in nitrogen. Get those pelvic floor exercises in. When a woman experience ammonia smelling discharge it is rarely due to a poor personal hygiene.

The bacterial imbalance then leads to the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis. Just as of today. If you do not drink enough water it can also cause your urine to become extremely concentrated.

Any ideas please. Urine contains a byproduct of ammonia called urea. It is therefore easy to miss the daily water quota.

But urine that smells like ammonia can also be an indicator of liver problems severe untreated diabetes sexually transmitted infections or metabolic disorders. While you may feel like your odor slightly changes it should not smell foul and it should not itch or cause pain. I thought I was leaking for almost a month before my water broke still think it was leaking though tests came back negative but that can happen sometimes too.

Its unclear why this happens but its likely related to changes in diet or infection. Additional factors that have been known to cause this discomfort include. Totally common to have less control over your bladder in pregnancy.

My water broke last week and it definitely smells different sweet almost. An ammonia smelling discharge mainly occurs when there is a bacterial imbalance in the vaginal region. 15 weeks pregnant and my urine smells like ammonia.

In most cases an unusual ammonia-like vaginal smell during pregnancy is caused by changes in urine. A buildup of urine in your underwear or around your vulva could put off a chemical smell. Sometimes the smell could be accompanied by a discharge too.

The physiologic vaginal discharge during pregnancy is known as leukorrhea. Amniotic fluid actually smells more sweet not like ammonia. In the majority of cases ammonia smelling discharge happens due to bacterial vaginosis which is an infection of the female reproductive system.

This is a thin white discharge that feels wet. Your discharge has a strong and noticeable odor or has changed in color amount or consistency from your normal discharge. Keep in mind urine smelling strongly of ammonia is a.

An ammonia-like odor is also another possible symptom. One report from the. Ammonia-smelling discharge during pregnancy can be caused by either bacterial vaginosis or concentrated urine.

Whether a faint smell or a strong one vaginal odor is normal in pregnancy. But definitely call your dr if youre concerned. This can be due to lifestyle factors such as dietary preferences dehydration and supplement.

This may cause your urine to smell like ammonia and your ammonia odor may be from your urine rather than your vaginal discharge. If your vagina smells like ammonia and you have a milky discharge and some irritation you may have bacterial vaginosis which is an infection caused by an overgrowth of flora in the vagina. Sorry to say but if its smells like ammonia its pee.


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